The Flower Nook… (closed for 2021 season)
We originally thought we would overhaul the flower beds, a few at a time, until we made our way through the entire garden. Time and this project got away from us and we finally made the decision to just close the Cutting Flower Garden temporarily until we have more of an available chance to tackle this monumental task. The garden was originally designed with consistent rows spaced evenly apart with one variety of flowers in each allotted space down the length of each row. Though this made mowing the aisles easy, we felt that adding some curves to the beds and possibly a few raised areas would make the garden “flow” better. Also by enlarging the herb garden…we had to cut (somewhat) into the north end of the flower garden. A new garden layout is currently being designed by Perfect Lawns & Landscape. As soon as plans are finalized…the digging begins. We will keep everyone posted on the progress and will be posting some pics of the process on the our website.
Vegetables Now Available…
Garden currently closed
Herbs Available…
Garden currently closed
Fieldview Farm presents….. 7th Edition… updated February 2022
Out in the berry patch…
Updates coming soon!
Special Thanks go out to…
All of our amazing customers!!!!
News from the Field!!
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No news is good news....right?
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Vegging out…
Updates coming soon!
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Galena, IL. 61036